Araki Orchard @ Orchard Plaza
I’ve been curious about Araki for awhile now and with the reservations running long after the 8 days feature, I had to just get my dinner reservation set before it gets too ridiculously long to even wait for. So then, this 8 seater restaurant operates like this – they do not start till everyone at the table arrives and we were late so – dinner started late for all. My super apologies. Chef does a quick introduction of the dinner menu ahead and he begins preparing our portions whilst the servers attend to our beverage needs and pretty much every one breaks into their own private chatter. Chef interrupts with the introduction of the dishes – the not so interested diners continue their own conversations and everyone gets served. I’m not sure if I actually like this arrangement, because it’s a one man band mostly and we literally wait out for our food to be served and sushi is fine because the pacing is reasonable but when it comes to more complicated dishes where plating is required, the...